Section 12: Common commands
Model 6517B Electrometer Reference Manual
6517B-901-01 Rev. C / August 2015
Bit 2, error available (EAV):
Set bit indicates that an error or status message is present in the error
queue. The message can be read using one of the following SCPI commands (see
SCPI command
(on page 14-1)):
Bit 3, questionable summary bit (QSB):
Set bit indicates that a calibration error has occurred.
Bit 4, message available (MAV):
Set bit indicates that a message is present in the output queue.
The message is sent to the computer when the Model 6517B is addressed to talk.
Bit 5, event summary bit (ESB):
Set bit indicates that an enabled standard event has occurred. The
event can be identified by reading the standard event status register using the *ESE? query
Bit 6, master summary status (MSS) / request service (RQS):
Set bit indicates that one or more
enabled status byte conditions have occurred. The MSS bit can be read using the STB? query
command, or the occurrence of a service request (RQS bit set) can be detected by performing a
Serial Poll.
Bit 7, operation summary bit (OSB):
Set bit indicates that an enabled operation event has occurred.
The event can be identified by reading the Operation Event Status Register using the
query command (see
SCPI command reference
(on page 14-1) for details).
Also see
SCPI command reference
(on page 14-1)
*TRG (trigger)
This command sends a GPIB trigger to the Model 6517B.
command is used to issue a GPIB trigger to the Model 6517B. It has the same effect as a
group execute trigger (GET).
command is used as an arm, scan, and measure event to control operation. The Model
6517B reacts to this trigger if GPIB is the programmed control source. The control source is
programmed from the
can also be used as the pre-trigger for buffer operation.
Also see
:TRIGger subsystem
(on page 14-144)