Keithley DAS-1700 Series
Using the DAS-1700 Series with DriverLINX
Analog Input Start Events
Start Events specify when the DAS-1700 hardware starts acquiring analog input data.
The DAS-1700 Series supports the following Start Events:
Note: The DAS-1700 Series
does not support analog
None—Use this event when the DriverLINX operation does not require
a Start Event.
Command—DriverLINX starts the task on software command, i.e., as
soon as DriverLINX finishes programming the DAS-1700 hardware for
the task.
Digital—The DAS-1700 starts acquiring analog input samples when
the hardware detects the digital Logical Channel input satisfies the
condition specified in the Start Event.
None or Null Start Event
The Null Event specifies that the task does not need a Start Event to begin the task.
Command Start Event
The Command Event starts data acquisition as soon as DriverLINX has completed
programming the data-acquisition hardware with the task parameters.
Digital Start Event (Post-Triggering)
The DAS-1700 can acquire analog input samples after the hardware detects a digital
trigger condition. Use post-triggering when you want to synchronize the start of data
acquisition with an external signal.
How to set up the DAS-1700 Series for post-triggered analog input.