Using the DAS-1700 Series with DriverLINX
Keithley DAS-1700 Series
Digital Input Start Events
Start Events specify when the DAS-1700 Series hardware starts reading digital input
The DAS-1700 Series supports the following Start Events for digital input:
None—Use this event when the DriverLINX operation doesn’t require
a Start Event.
Command—DriverLINX starts the task on software command, i.e., as
soon as DriverLINX finishes programming the DAS-1700 hardware for
the task.
None or Null Start Event
The Null Event specifies that the task does not need a Start Event to begin the task.
Command Start Event
The Command Event starts data acquisition as soon as DriverLINX has completed
programming the DAS-1700 Series hardware with the task parameters.
Digital Input Stop Events
Stop Events specify when the DAS-1700 Series hardware stops reading digital input
The DAS-1700 Series supports the following Stop Events for digital input:
None—Use this event when the DriverLINX operation doesn’t require
a Stop Event.
Command—DriverLINX stops the task on software command, i.e.,
when the application issues a Service Request with a Stop operation.
Terminal count—DriverLINX stops the task after the DAS-1700
Series hardware has filled all the data buffers once.
None or Null Stop Event
The Null Event specifies that the task does not need a Stop Event to end the task.
Command Stop Event
The Command Event stops data acquisition when the user application changes the
Operation property in the Service Request to Stop and resubmits the Service Request
to DriverLINX.
In Stop-on-Command mode, DriverLINX continuously cycles through all the data
buffers, reading from the digital port on the DAS-1700 Series.
Terminal Count Stop Event
The Terminal Count Event stops data acquisition after DriverLINX has read the
digital input data into all the data buffers once. Use terminal count when you want to
read a fixed amount of data.