The DAS-1800ST/HR Series of data acquisition boards consists of the
following basic models: DAS-1801ST, DAS-1802ST, and DAS-1802HR.
The basic models all accept analog input signals and perform A/D
(analog-to-digital) conversions. If analog output is also required, these
models are available with a D/A (digital-to-analog) conversion option
under the following designations: DAS-1801ST-DA, DAS-1802ST-DA,
and DAS-1802HR-DA.
The DAS-1800ST/HR Series boards are high-performance data
acquisition boards that operate with DriverLINX software that requires:
an IBM PC or compatible AT (386 or Pentium CPU) with minimum
of 2 MB of memory
at least one CD ROM drive, one fixed disk drive, and one floppy disk
Microsoft Windows 95/98, or Windows NT 4.0 or higher
a compiler supporting Microsoft Windows development
a mouse is highly recommended.
The DAS-1801ST is a 12-bit, high-gain board, while the DAS-1802ST is
a 12-bit, low-gain board. The DAS-1802HR is a 16-bit, low-gain board.
Major features of these boards are as follows:
The boards make 16-bit data transfers on the AT bus.
The boards are software-configurable for 16 single-ended or eight
differential onboard analog input channels or up to 256 analog input
channels using expansion accessories.
Channels are individually software-configurable for gain.
DAS-1800ST Series boards acquire data at up to 333 ksamples/s and
12-bit resolution.
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