In this section:
Introduction ............................................................................ 10-1
Equipment required ................................................................ 10-1
Device connections ................................................................ 10-2
Testing a buck converter ........................................................ 10-3
This example application demonstrates how to use the Model DMM7510 to capture voltage and
current waveforms. In this application, you use both the digitize voltage and digitize current functions
to directly interact with the waveforms. The waveforms are acquired from a 5 V buck converter
through the front-panel touchscreen interface.
The touchscreen can be helpful in a variety of applications that involve transient signal analysis at a
1 Msample/s sampling rate. You can analyze signals from a microvolt to 1000 V up to 350 kHz, or a
microamp to 10 A up to 100 kHz.
Equipment required
One Model DMM7510
A power supply
Buck controller evaluation board, such as the Texas Instrument LM25088MH-1/NOPB Current
Mode Non-Synchronous Buck Controller Evaluation Board
Four insulated banana cables, such as the Keithley Instruments Model 1756 Standard Test Lead
Kit (one set with two cables is provided with the Model DMM7510; you will need another set)
Resistors for a varying load application; the application shown here uses resistor from 3
to 8
One computer set up for remote communication with the Model DMM7510
Section 10
Capturing and analyzing waveforms