Appendix A
Non-Kelvin (2W) S530 system diagnostics
In this section:
Introduction ................................................................ 2-1
Non-Kelvin hardware connection ............................... 2-1
Non-Kelvin SMU diagnostic test flow ......................... 2-1
Non-Kelvin SMU voltage and current test .................. 2-3
Non-Kelvin Voltage communication test..................... 2-5
Non-Kelvin basic short test and continuity test........... 2-5
Non-Kelvin short test.................................................. 2-5
Non-Kelvin continuity test........................................... 2-9
Non-Kelvin leakage test ........................................... 2-11
This section is intended to provide low-level details regarding how the various diagnostic tests run on
2-wire (2W) non-Kelvin S530 systems.
Non-Kelvin hardware connection
The minimum hardware requirement is one switch card and two SMUs. With the minimum
configuration, some of the switch card columns connect to the SMUs, and others to the device under
test (DUT) pins. One SMU will always be the instrument under test and the other is the test support
SMU (see next Figure).
Figure 18: Minimum hardware requirement
Non-Kelvin SMU diagnostic test flow
The following gives a quick description of the flow for SMU diagnostic testing (see next Figure):