Model 2460 Interactive SourceMeter® Instrument User's Manual
Section 6: Rechargeable battery measurements
2460-900-01 Rev. A / September 2014
Connect the Force HI and Sense HI output terminals of the Model 2460 to the positive (+) terminal of
the battery. Connect the Sense LO and Force LO outputs to the negative (
) terminal of the battery.
Make sure that when the output of the Model 2460 is turned off, it is set to the high-impedance
(High-Z) output-off state. When the high-impedance output-off state is selected, the output relay
opens when the output is turned off. This prevents the battery from draining when the output is off.
To set the output-off state to high impedance:
1. Press the
2. In the Source column, select
3. Select the button next to Output Off and select
High Impedance
4. Press the
key to return to the Home screen.
The figure below shows the front-panel connections. You can make these connections with four
insulated banana cables that are rated to the maximum current (7 A) such as two sets of the Keithley
Instruments Model 8608 High-Performance Clip Lead Set.
Figure 26: Front-panel connections for the battery discharge-charge application
The figure below shows the rear-panel connections. You can make these connections with either the
Model 2460-KIT Screw-Terminal Connector Kit (included with the Model 2460) or a Model 2460-BAN
Banana Test Leads/Adapter Cable with appropriate cabling.
Figure 27: Rear-panel connections for the battery discharge-charge application