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2600S-901-01 Rev. C / January 2008
Section 11: Communications Interfaces
Series 2600 System SourceMeter® Instruments Reference Manual
General bus commands
General commands are those commands, such as DCL, that have the same
general meaning regardless of the instrument.
lists the general bus commands.
Table 11-1
General bus commands
Effect on SourceMeter
Goes into remote when next addressed to listen.
Goes into talker and listener idle states.
LOCAL key locked out.
Cancel remote; restore SourceMeter front panel operation.
Returns all devices to known conditions.
Returns SourceMeter to known conditions.
Initiates a trigger.
Serial polls the SourceMeter.
REN (remote enable)
The remote enable command is sent to the SourceMeter by the controller to set up the instrument
for remote operation. Generally, the instrument should be placed in the remote mode before you
attempt to program it over the bus. Setting REN true does not place the instrument in the remote
state. You must address the instrument to listen after setting REN true before it goes into remote.
IFC (interface clear)
The IFC command is sent by the controller to place the SourceMeter in the local, talker, listener
idle states. The unit responds to the IFC command by cancelling front panel TALK or LSTN lights,
if the instrument was previously placed in one of these states.
Transfer of command messages to the instrument and transfer of response messages from the
instrument are not interrupted by IFC. If a response message was suspended by IFC, transfer of
the message will resume when the unit is addressed to talk. If a command message transfer was
suspended by IFC, the rest of the message can be sent when the unit is addressed to listen.
LLO (local lockout)
When the unit is in remote operation, all front panel controls are disabled except the LOCAL and
OUTPUT OFF keys (and of course the POWER switch). The LLO command disables the LOCAL
key, but it does not affect OUTPUT OFF, which cannot be disabled.
GTL (go to local)
Use the GTL command to put a remote-mode instrument into local mode. Leaving the remote state
also restores operation of all front panel controls.
DCL (device clear)
Use the DCL command to clear the GPIB interface and return it to a known state. Note that the
DCL command is not an addressed command, so all instruments equipped to implement DCL will
do so simultaneously.