Service Manual Model J
*8. OIL DRIPS.--The gauze strainer situated in the bottom of the crankcase is
sufficiently close to catch anything which would choke the drip nozzles; nevertheless,
it is advisable to inspect the drips occasionally. This may be done by turning the
engine with the sparking plugs slackened. The nozzles are removable, they differ in
size; each is numbered, the largest should be forward. The nozzles are graded in size
to suit a shaft rake of 1 inch in 18 inches, but are suitable for rakes up to 1 in 9. The
rake will normally increase when under way, and 1 in 9 is the maximum permissible
in this condition.
*9 OIL TEST COCK.--To test the oil circulating pump, open the little cock on
crankcase inspection door, when oil should drip from it slowly at all engine speeds.
10. OIL HOLES.--In each bearing will be found an oil hole. See that it remains clear.
11. OIL PUMP.--The strainer is visible when the oil has been pumped out. Examine it
to time to see that it remains clear.
12. CRANKCASE PUMP.--This pump has no valves and must be operated as
follows :- the cut in the handle must be towards the engine on the upstroke and
towards the pipe on the downstroke. If the pump will not start put a little oil in by the
air hole to seal the piston.
.--(a) Open the cock on the sump of
the fuel tank to discharge water and sediment: (b) try the oil test cock
; (c) fill the
oil wells on the cylinders; (d) oil the pump gear at three points, the starting valves, the
operating cams, and the coupling of the Bosch pump. Check the level of the oil in the
crankcase, reverse gear case and governor
14. WEEKLY ATTENTION.--Draw a sample of oil from the crankcase by means of
the pump
, using a clear glass bottle to detect the presence of water. If the oil has
become fouled by water or sediment, renew it. Discoloration is not harmful. Examine
the water pump strainer
. Oil the starting handle by the hole at the end.
15. MONTHLY ATTENTION.--(a) Test the oil drips
; (b) clean out the crankcase
if the sediment is up to the strainer or the oil requires renewal; (c) tighten the packing
gland of the water pump with the finger pins provided
; (d) tighten the gland of
; (e) clean the fuel filter
; (f) renew the oil in the
reverse gear once in 300 hours of running; (g) grease the thrust box with the grease
gun supplied.
16. ANNUALLY.--A hard working engine should be over- hauled once a year, and
the overhaul should be sufficiently extensive to make every part good for another
year's service. The practice of running an engine until trouble develops is equivalent
to overhauling by instalments, a costly method.
Before starting the work remove all surplus gear out of the engine room. Provide, if
possible, a work bench, a paraffin wash tray and cotton waste. Wash down the engine
with paraffin to loosen the nuts and soften the rust. Order all necessary replacements
by telegraph to avoid delay. Proceed as follows.