To install the New Vinyl Guards, Proceed as Follows:
1. Clear off the old mastic from around the top chamber
guard retainer.
2. Mastic is to be used between the stainless steel top
and the top chamber guard retainer. Hold the
tapered edge of the spout at an angle, then press
on tube and force mastic out. Pull along the retain-
er at an even pace.
3. Hook the four corners of the chamber guard in place
and work the top edge along the top retainers hooking
the top edge in place. (B). Then stretch the chamber
guard downward, and hook in place over the bottom
retainer (C). If there is any excess mastic from around
top, Hexane, light naptha, will remove the mastic.
The cabinet lids of the Flip-Flop design are made in two
widths: single width and double width. The double width
lids are for the double row cabinets and cover the square
area so the lids may be placed to lift from side to side of
from end to end as desired. Stainless steel lid assem-
blies are made in two widths.
To replace the hinges, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the lid from the cabinet.
2. Remove the screws securing the hinge plate to the lid.
3. Remove the defective hinge.
4. Align the new gasket and hinge plate in insert screws.
Should it become necessary to remove or replace the
top capping, the rivets can easily be removed by drilling
out with a small electric drill using a No. 30 drill to insure
not increasing the size of the hole in either the cap or the
wrapper. In reassembling, install 1/8" aluminum pop
rivets, Number 576860, in the holes throughout the stain-
less steel cap and the cabinet wrapper.
All compressors have fusite mounted terminals and a
plug-on starting relay. The overload protector plugs on
the common fusite terminal.
The compressor and motor are built as one unit and
spring mounted inside a steel shell. Welded construction
makes the unit hermetically sealed. The compressor
embodies a reciprocating type pump, directly
connected to the motor.
An oil pump supplies oil to every moving part and liter-
ally floods every bearing surface with oil to minimize
friction and insure quiet operation. The compressor
dome is four-point base mounted.
The condenser tubing is held to the inside of the cabinet
wrapper or shell along the front, the back, by saddle
clamps which are spot welded to the outer shell.
Efficient heat transfer is obtained from the tube to the
entire shell which is the condenser surface. By the nat-
ural convection of the room air due to the absorption of
the heat from the wrapper, an efficient cooling action is
obtained and sufficient heat is removed from the hot
compressor refrigerant vapor to result in the liquidation
of the refrigerant. During the initial pull down of a hot