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To set the temperature sensors, please proceed as follows:
First assign the appropriate "Channel Number" and a "Sensor Name" to the sensor number.
Example for adding a temperature sensor in the hot drinking water (PWH)
In the example shown above, a hot water temperature sensor was added with the parameters:
Thermal disinfection at 70 °C
Maximum set-point limit at 60 °C
Minimum set-point limit at 55 °C
Sensor type: PT1000
The set limit values are used exclusively for logging the temperatures in the system! No flushing is
triggered in the hot water system!
3.2.3 Configuration of the recording / monitoring
To be able to configure the temperature sensor for recording, in the navigation point
"Sensor" please select the desired temperature sensor and press "Edit Configuration".
You can use the monitoring time to determine when the temperatures will be written
in the temperature log. You can assign 6 measurement times per day for each sensor,
from which the Tmin, Tmax and Taverage values are generated.