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As you can see in the symbolic representation in the sample project, there is only one hygienic flushing.
In this case the hygienic flushing has Channel 1 (101) and is triggered with time control. There is no other
way to trigger during hygienic flushing.
You also have a facility for editing the comments and the names as you desire. Subsequently confirm the
changes with "OK". To add more hygienic flushings, proceed likewise.
3.1.10 Overview of the valves and sensors
In the overview of valves and sensors you can now view the added valves, sensors and hygienic flushings.
If the control is only in operation, the valves can now have the following different colours in the representation.
Valve closed Yellow
Valve is opening Green
Valve open
You can read the sensor values at the same time.
To get an overview as to whether everything is correct with the detection and connection,
it is advisable to run a so-called process and function check in manual mode
to ensure that the functioning of the individual valves and sensors is guaranteed.
In the case of larger buildings, for that reason it is recommended to perform this function check with
two people (e.g. with walkie-talkies).