Service manual Mastercool 30
Version 1.0
Kemppi Oy
Mastercool 30 is membrane pump type cooler for water cooled mig guns. Membrane pump can generate
up to 10 bar pressure so it needs electronically limited control logic.
Control logic and pump motor both uses low voltage power (+24VDC) and cooler does not have any high
voltage inside. Secondary side +24VDC is generated in Mastertig MLS 3000/3003 ACDC
Mastercool 30 can have several different control cards depending the manufacturing time. First type was
SP002447 (card number W002447, versions A, B and C). This card has trimmer for adjusting the under
pressure limit and jumpers for several configuration options. In production from the beginning to 6/2009.
Second control card type was SP004736 (card number W004736, versions A and B) and had updated
motor current measuring. This card did not have any trimmers, only jumpers. In production from 7/2009 to
end of 2010.
Third card type is SPW006214 (card number W004736), it has same control logic as Mastercool 20. Main
idea compared to earlier cards is that motor has lower running speed and better ability to tolerate long
water hoses and cold temperatures. In production from the beginning of 2011.
This manual is mostly for coolers with third type card SPW006214. In the end of manual there are some
information and jumper settings for old cards. There is also instructions how to adjustment trimmer in card
SP002447. For more information please see the following old manuals found in Kemppi net:
Servicemanual_Fast_Master_Kempact10_Master30.VX.X_EN.pdf (original manual for
Hydrocool pump coolers with first type control card)
Servicemanual_membrane_pump_coolers.VX.X_EN.pdf (second version for Hydrocool
pump coolers with second type card)
Mastercool 30 has been made with two different types of pressure dampening systems. Originally cooler
had a dual component hose in pump output. This was replaced in 3/2010 by normal rubber output hose
with copper pressure damper.
NOTE! These two different types of pressure dampening systems
are meant to use separately not together.