Technical Support
Technical support is available to all registered users of Kensington products.
There is no charge for technical support except long distance charges where
applicable. Technical Support Contact information can be found on the last
page of this manual.
Technical Support Tips
• You may find the answer to your problem in the Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) section of the Support area on the Kensington Web site:
• Call from a phone where you have access to your computer.
• Be prepared to provide the following information
- Name, address, and telephone number
- The name of the Kensington product
- Make and model of your computer
- Your system software and version
- Symptoms of the problem and what led to them
Air Connection
Use the air connector when traveling with an airline that provides a compatible
in-seat power system.
Some airlines, including American Airlines, provide a 12-volt DC cigarette socket
instead of a special air connection. On these airlines, use the auto connection.
Compatibility between the adapter and an airline in-seat power system
depends upon the airline and the manufacturer’s power specifications for
your device.
1. Remove the auto connector to reveal the air connector: hold the tab at the
base of the connectors to slide the auto connector off.
2. Insert the adapter’s air connector into the in-seat power socket, usually
found on the arm of your seat or under the seat. The adapter’s status light
glows green when powered.
3. Connect the appropriate tip to the adapter output cable and plug it into the
notebook computer.
The device’s battery will start to charge. Turn on and use your device.
Notebook AC/DC Power Adapter • 9
8 • Notebook AC/DC Power Adapter
Hold this tab and slide
the auto connector off
auto connector
air connector
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