As using the tool compensation function, check the direction and compensation
values carefully. The operation with wrong data may result in unpredictable actions.
It may damage the work-piece and the machine itself or harm the user.
Should check the entered data careful before operating the machine.
If run the machine with wrong data may cause machine having unexpected action.
Also may cause the work-piece and / or machine itself damage or injury to the user.
To determine the specified feed rate that can be applicable to the intended operation.
In general, for each machine has its maximum allowable feed rate.
As appropriate feed rate is different from the indeed speed, please refer to manual to
confirm the maximum allowable feed rate.
If the rate is higher than allowable feed rate, it may result in unpredictable actions
and damage the work-piece and machine or harm the user.
Should be closed metal cover at the first work-piece processing as after the
parameters modified. In such changes, should not use automatic operation
immediately. But it should be used as a single operation function, manual feed
feature and machine lock function or operate machine without tool and work-piece
confirmation, it may result in unpredictable actions and damage the work-piece and
machine or harm the user.
You should continue to supply power to the machine (CNC) when replacing the
memory backup battery, and perform the emergency stop. Because this operation
includes power-on and opens the electrical box. This must be qualified personnel
who have received safety approval and maintenance training to perform this
operation when replacing the battery.
Do not touch high-voltage circuits (shell covered with an insulator).
If touch the uncovered high voltage circuits, will lead to very dangerous electric shock.
The CNC machines use batteries to store the contents of its memory, because as
the external power supply cannot be applied, it must be remembered the programs,
compensation and parameter information by battery power. If the battery power
decreases, the low battery voltage alarm will be displayed on the control panel or
controller screen. As the low battery voltage alarm is displayed, the battery should
be replaced within a week otherwise the CNC memory contents will be lost.
Before replacing a burned out fuse, should confirm the location of burned out fuse
first, and remove the reasons causing the fuse burned out. Therefore, only qualified
personnel who has received security and maintenance training can perform this
operation. When the control box is opened, do not touch high-voltage circuits (shell
covered with an insulator). If touch the uncovered high voltage circuits, will lead to
Overall security
Overall security
Overall security
Overall security