Slicing, Shredding and Chipping Plates
The reversible plates offer the choice of two slicing and two shredding sizes, a thin slice combined with a fine shred or a thick slice combined
with a coarse shred. Always have the desired cutting face uppermost when placing the plate onto the shaft.
Use the shredding plates for cheese, carrot, potatoes and foods of a similar texture.
Use the slicing plates for potato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, courgette, beetroot, onion and apples.
The extra coarse shredding plate is suitable for cheese and carrot when a very coarse shred is required.
The standard chipper plate is suitable for potatoes which can then be fried to produce slim french fries, or for other fruit and vegetables
including, swede, apple, pear and cucumber suitable for casseroles and crudities for dips.
The fine (Julienne style) chipper plate can be used to produce long thin strips of potato which can then be fried to make super slim french fries.
Alternatively other fruit and vegetables can be processed such as apples, carrot, swede, courgette and cucumber and used for garnishing
dishes or for use in salads, casseroles and stir fries (thin items are best packed into the feed tube horizontally).
The rasping plate can be used for grating parmesan cheese and vegetables including raw potatoes to make German Potato Dumplings.
Select the desired plate and assemble onto the shaft. Do this by pushing the shaft onto the plate until it is fully home (fig 10). Twist slightly
if necessary to engage.
The desired cutting edge should be on the top face.
Place the plate and shaft over the food processor drive and carefully turn until it drops all the way down. The attachment must be
completely down as far as it will go before you proceed.
Fit the processor lid and select which size feed tube you wish to use. The pusher has been designed to include a narrower inner feed
tube. This allows individual items or thin foods to be more easily sliced and shredded. To use the inner feed tube, the larger pusher has to
be in place in the feed tube before the food is added. (fig 11).
To use the larger feed tube, use both pushers together. (fig 12)
Place the food into the selected feed tube.
Switch on the food processor and using the pusher(s) exert an even pressure onto the food.
To obtain good results always use fresh fruit and vegetables.
When using the larger feed tube, cut food to fit. Fill the feed tube almost to the top and push firmly down with the pusher whilst operating
the machine.
Always pack the large feed tube to prevent foods from slipping sideways during operation. Alternatively use the inner feed tube (fig 11).
Always use the pusher to process food onto the plate. Never use your fingers.
Remember when using the large feed tube, the two pushers must be used together.
When slicing and shredding, packing the food in an upright manner will produce shreds and slices shorter in length than if the food is
packed horizontally.
Please note that there will always be a small amount of waste left either on the plate or amongst the processed food after using the
cutting plates.