assembly and use
1 Fit the pulp collector so that the line up mark
with the unlock symbol
. Then turn anticlockwise to
lock .
2 Fit the filter inside the pulp collector.
3 Put the lid on. Then turn the lid anti-clockwise until it
Your juicer will not work if the lid is
4 Place a suitable glass or jug under the juice outlet.
5 Cut the food into small pieces to fit the feed tube.
6 Select speed 1 and push the food down with the
Some very hard foods may make your juicer slow down
or stop. If this happens switch off and unblock the filter.
Switch off and clear the pulp collector regularly during
Place the beaker supplied under the juice spout after
juicing to collect any drips.
to take your juicer apart
Reverse the assembly procedure to take the juicer
Insert soft food slowly to get the most juice.
Vitamins disappear - the sooner you drink your juice,
the more vitamins you'll get.
If you need to store the juice for a few hours put it in
the fridge. It will keep better if you add a few drops of
lemon juice.
Don't drink more than three 230mls (8 fl.oz.) glasses of
juice a day unless you're used to it.
Dilute juice for children with an equal amount of water.
Juice from dark green (broccoli, spinach etc) or dark red
(beetroot, red cabbage etc) vegetables is extremely
strong, so always dilute it.
Fruit juice is high in Fructose (fruit sugar), so people
with diabetes or low blood sugar should avoid drinking
too much.
to use your citrus juicer
Use your Kenwood Citrus Juicer to squeeze the juice
from citrus fruit eg oranges, lemons, limes and
1 Place the juice collector on to the power unit.
2 Put the strainer inside the juice collector, then add the
3 Place a suitable glass or jug under the juice outlet.
4 Cut the fruit in half and place one half on to the cone.
Lightly press the lid lever down and the juicer will
operate automatically.
During use the cone may change the direction it
rotates. This is normal and ensures that the maximum
amount of juice is squeezed out of the fruit.
5 To stop the juicer release the lever.
When juicing large quantities, empty the strainer
regularly to prevent the build up of pulp and seeds.
Don’t press too hard on the cone or run for
longer than 10 minutes - you may damage
your juicer.
Place the beaker supplied under the juice spout after
juicing to collect any drips.
to use your smoothie blender
You can use your Smoothie Blender for making
delicious and nutritious cold drinks. It’s easy to use and
the smoothie drink can be dispensed directly into a cup
or glass. We’ve also included a stirring device to assist
with the blending.
1 Screw the tap assembly onto the goblet anticlockwise.
Check that the dispensing tap lever is in the off
2 Place the goblet on the power unit so that the line up
on the base aligns with the unlock symbol
Then turn anticlockwise to lock
3 Place the liquid ingredients into the goblet.
This includes fruit (not frozen), fresh yoghurt, milk and
fruit juices.
4 Add ice or frozen ingredients to the goblet.
This includes frozen fruit, frozen yoghurt, ice cream or ice.
5 Fit the lid and turn until the interlock tab locks into the
Your blender will not work if the lid
is unlocked.
6 Either put the cap into the lid, or place the stirrer in the hole.
The stirrer can be used when blending thick mixtures
or when large quantities of frozen items are used.
7 Select speed 1 and allow the ingredients to blend until
mixed completely.
Use speed 2 to mix and smooth the drink just before
Use the stirrer by moving it in an anti clockwise
8 Place a glass underneath the tap and pull the tap lever
down to dispense the drink