4. Place the KCT-39 sumi tube along the chassis and insert
the cable tie into the TX-RX PCB slot, as shown in the dia-
gram below.
Insert the cable tie
into the slot here
KCT-39 sumi tube
5. Align the KCT -39 cable to the left side of the DC cord,
then place the DC cord back into its slot along the chassis
(over the top of the KCT-39 sumi tube).
In this direction
6. Twist the large grouping of wires of the KCT-39 cable
twice, then connect it to Terminal A of the PCB.
Connect the remaining grouping of wires of the KCT -39
cable to Terminal B.
Terminal A
Terminal B
7. Align the terminal B KCT -39 cable underneath the termi-
nal A cable align the speaker cable (T07 -1082 -05) below
both KCT-39 cables.
Speaker cable
In this direction
8. Align all cable to the left side so as to avoid the Power
Module Area. Mount the shielding cover and secure it
with the five M2.6 screws.
Power module
9. After everything has been properly mounted, the KCT-39
sumi tube should look similar to that as shown in the dia-
gram below.
Exterior back view of KCT-39