4. System Description
4.1 General system description
7 segment display, 3-digit (5)
In normal operation the current water level is
displayed in cm. The following are also dis-
played: Top-up time, error, set points and set
LED green display, normal operation (6)
In normal operation the green LED is lit.
LED orange display, drinking water top-
up (7)
The orange LED is lit during drinking water
LED orange display, output 1 = rainwater
filter rinsing (8)
The orange LED is lit if output 1 is activate
LED orange display, output 2 = operating
safety (9)
The orange LED is lit if output 2 is activated
"T" button (10)
The "T" button is used to manually switch on
drinking water top-up. In addition, the "T"
button is used to acknowledge errors, to
switch off the acoustic alarm, to select set
points and to save set values.
" button (11) and "
" button (12)
The two "
" and "
" buttons are used to sel-
ect set points and set values.
Ultrasound sensor (19)
The ultrasound sensor measures the water
level in the tank.
The Aqatronic K switching device is used to
control drinking water top-up and level mo-
nitoring for KESSEL Aqabull and Aqadive
rainwater pumping systems.
The difference between the two systems is
the type of drinking water top-up and the lo-
cation of the pump.
With the KESSEL Aqabull rainwater pum-
ping system the water is topped up as and
when necessary via a separate top-up sup-
ply tank. The pump is located outside the
tank. With the KESSEL Aqadive rainwater
pumping system the top-up supply is fed di-
rectly into the tank. The pump is located in-
side the tank.
If the Aqatronic K switching device is
purchased without the rainwater pumping
system the switching device is in the Aqabull
basic setting.