The intensity of training with the Crosstrainer on the one hand is
regulated through the step frequency and on the other hand
through the step resistance.
Cross training is a very effective whole-body workout, which
stresses all large muscle groups, and simultaneously trains the
cardiovascular system in an ideal manner and promotes the fat
metabolism. The innovative elliptical sequence of movements of
the treads strengthens the leg and gluteal muscles especially
joint-sparing, the training of the upper part of the body coupled
with the legwork mainly stresses the arm, shoulder, pectoral and
dorsal muscles.
Before starting the training you should read the following notes
The above and following notes on training are recommended
for persons without cardiovascular problems only.
Notes on training
Workout with the cross-trainer is to be designed methodically
according to the principles of stamina training. Stamina training
mainly causes changes and adaptations in the cardiovascular
system. This includes the decrease of the rest pulse frequency
and the pulse under load. Thus the heart disposes of more time
for filling the ventricles and blood flow in the cardiac musculatu-
re (through the coronary vessels). Furthermore, depth of brea-
thing and amount of air inspired are increased (vital capacity).
Further positive changes take place in the metabolic system. To
achieve these positive changes the training must be planned
according to certain guidelines.
Planning and control of your training
The basis for the planning of the training is your current physi-
cal condition. With an exercise tolerance test your general prac-
titioner can diagnose your personal capability, which represents
the basis for your planning of the training. If you did not have
an exercise tolerance test executed, high training loads or over-
loading, respectively, have to be avoided in any case. You
should remember the following principle for your planning: sta-
mina training is controlled via the scope of load as well as via
the height / intensity of load.
About load intensity
Pulse under load:
the optimal load intensity is achieved at
65–75 % (comp. diagram) of the individual cardiovascular per-
formance. This value changes age-related.
For the Crosstrainer, intensity is on the one hand controlled via
the speed of movement and on the other hand via the resistance
of the magnet braking system. With increasing speed of move-
ment, the physical load is increased as well. It also increases,
when the braking resistance is increased. As a beginner avoid
a too high speed or training with a too high braking resistance,
since in that the recommended pulse frequency range can be
Fitness and Fat Burner
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
(220 minus Age)
(75% of Max.Pulse)
Fat combustion pulse
(65% of Max.Pulse)
quickly exceeded. During the training check on the basis of
your pulse frequency, whether you work out in your intensity
range according to the diagrams shown.
About the scope of load
Beginners increase the scope of load of their training only gra-
dually. The first training units should be relatively short and in
intervals. Sports medicine considers the following load factors
as fitness-positive:
Beginners should not start with training units of 30-60 minutes.
The beginner training can be planned as follows within the first
4 weeks:
Before and after each training unit, approx. 5 minutes of gym-
nastics serve warming up or cooling down, respectively. Bet-
ween two training units there should be a day off (no training),
when in the later course you prefer the 3 times a week training
of 20-30 minutes. Otherwise there are no arguments against a
daily 10 minute training.
Beside the individual planning of your stamina training you can
fall back on the training programs integrated in the training
computer of the Crosstrainer (comp. page 9 cont).
Sequence of movements (Crosstrainer)
The sequence of movements of the cross training is already pro-
vided by the elliptic rotation of the treads and the position of
the handlebars. Despite of that, the following should be obser-
Before the training, always check correct installation and stan-
ding of the equipment.
When getting onto the equipment, one tread must be in the
lowest and one in the highest position. Grab the handlebars
Training frequency
Extent of training session
3 times a week
2 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
2 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
2 minutes of training
3 times a week
3 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
3 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
2 minutes of training
3 times a week
4 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
4 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
3 minutes of training
3 times a week
5 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
4 minutes of training
Break of 1 minute for physical exercises
4 minutes of training
4th week
3rd week
2nd week
1st week
Training frequency
Duration of training
10 minutes
2-3 times a week
20-30 minutes
1-2 times a week
30-60 minutes
SM3205-8 / SM3208-8