Keysight M8000 Series of BER Test Solutions Installation Guide
Controlling Multiple Instruments
The M8070B system software (3.x.x.x version) allows a PC to control
different connected instruments. These instrument can be either BERT
modules, AWG modules or combination of both. The possible setup
combinations are described and illustrated in this section.
- A PC can be connected to an AXIe 5 Slot frame and runs a
M8041A as clock/data module and a M8051A as data module. It’s a
four channel instrument. The M8051A module can be replaced by a
M8061A or by a M8062A, depending upon the requirement.
- A PC is connected to an AXIe 5 Slot frame and runs a M8045A
as generator module, a M8046A as analyzer module and a
M8195A/M8196A as AWG module. Ensure that the M8195A/M8196A
soft front panel should be properly installed on the host PC. Also ensure
that the M8195A/M8196A should be always be mounted in a slot
number higher that M8045A modules in the AXIe chassis. In other
words, the M8195A/M8196A module should always be mounted last in
the chassis.
- A PC is connected to two AXIe 5 slot frames, with each frame
running one M8045A module and two M8046A modules. This setup
would require M8070B and respective module licenses. To ensure that
the both instruments operate on same clock, the Ref Clk Out port of the
M8045A (frame 1) is connected to the Ref Clk In port of M8045A (fame
Figure 47
PC connected to AXIe 5 slot frame