Keysight M8132A 640 GSa/s Digital Signal Processor User’s Guide
Remote Programming
Common Commands
Read the instrument’s identification string which contains four fields
separated by commas. The first field is the manufacturer’s name, the
second field is the model number, the third field is the serial number, and
the fourth field is a revision code which contains four numbers separated
by dots and a fifth number separated by a dash:
Keysight Technologies, M8132A,<serial number>,
= Soft Front Panel revision number, e.g.
= Hardware revision number
Clear the event register in all register groups. This command also clears
the error queue and cancels a
operation. It doesn’t clear the enable
Enable bits in the Standard Event Status Register to be reported in the
Status Byte. The selected bits are summarized in the “Standard Event” bit
(bit 5) of the Status Byte Register. The
query returns a value which
corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits enabled decimal by the
command. These bits are not cleared by a
command. Value
Range: 0–255.
Query the Standard Event Status Register. Once a bit is set, it remains set
until cleared by a
(clear status) command or queried by this
command. A query of this register returns a decimal value which
corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register.
Set the “Operation Complete” bit (bit 0) in the Standard Event register
after the previous commands have been completed.