Language Reference
Series N8700 User’s Guide
Trigger Commands
Trigger commands consist of the Abort, Trigger, and Initiate
Initiate commands initialize the trigger system. Trigger
commands control the triggering of the power supply.
This command cancels any trigger actions in progress and returns
the trigger system to the IDLE state, unless INIT:CONT is enabled. It
also resets the WTG bit in the Status Operation Condition register.
ABORt is executed at power-on and upon execution of *RST.
This command controls the enabling of output triggers. When a
trigger is enabled, a trigger causes the specified triggering action to
occur. If the trigger system is not enabled, all triggers are ignored.
INITiate:CONTinuous[:TRANsient] ON|OFF
This command continuously initiates output triggers. The enabled
state is On (1); the disabled state is Off (0). When disabled, the trigger
system must be initiated for each trigger with the INITiate command.
If the trigger system has been initiated, this command generates an
immediate output trigger. When sent, the output trigger will:
Initiate an output change as specified by the CURR:TRIG or
VOLT:TRIG settings.
Clear the WTG bits in the Status Operation Condition register
after the trigger action has completed.
This command selects the trigger source for the output trigger
system. Only BUS can be selected as the trigger source.
This command generates a trigger when the trigger source is set to
BUS. The command has the same affect as the Group Execute Trigger
(<GET>) command.