Caution: Follow all of the assembly & installation
instructions completely before connecting the Tile Saw to a
power source or turning the motor on.
Carefully open the main box and remove all the saw
components and packing materials. Be certain you have
checked each item with the parts diagram before discarding the
container or packing materials.
The stand comes completely disassembled and must be
assembled before attempting to secure it to the Tile Saw frame.
Fig.5 shows the stand completely assembled, follow these
instructions to assemble stand as shown:
1) Locate the right and left wheel supports (A & B) Fig.5. Install
short cross brace (C) in between the right and left wheel
supports using 2 hex. bolts and curved washers (D).
2) The U support (E) Fig.5 gets installed in between the right and
left wheel supports (A & B). Position two curved bushings (F)
between the U support and the right and left wheel supports
(A & B) and secure all parts together using a hex. bolt and
nylon hex. nut (H) on each side.
3) Locate the long right and left supports (I & J) Fig.5. Install both
cross braces (K) in between the long right and left supports
using 2 hex. bolts and curved washers for each cross brace.
4) Secure the right and left wheel supports assembly (A, B, E)
Fig.5 to the long right and left supports assembly (I, J, K). Position two curved
bushings (F) between the supports and secure all parts together using a hex.
bolt and nylon hex. nut (H) on each side.
5) Install curved handles (L) Fig.5 to the ends of the long right and left supports
(I & J) using 2 hex. bolts.
6) Install 4 rubber feet (N) Fig.5 to the long right and left supports (I & J) as shown
using 4 nylon hex. nuts (O).
7) Install wheels (P) Fig.5 to the right and left wheel supports (A & B) using 2 large
nylon hex. nuts.
1) Position the machine frame upside down on a clean and level surface as shown
in Fig.6.
2) Assemble the U support (A) Fig.6 to the mounting holes (B) in the bottom of the
frame as shown. Position a curved bushing (C) and a straight bushing (D)
between the U support and the frame and secure all parts together using a hex.
bolt and nylon hex. nut (E) on each side.
3) Assemble the long right and left supports (F) Fig.6 to the mounting holes (G) in
the bottom of the frame as shown. Position a curved bushing (C) and a straight
bushing (D) (against the frame) between the long right and left supports and
the frame and secure all parts together using a hex. bolt and nylon hex. nut (E)
on each side.
4) Pivot the entire stand and frame assembly and place machine on its stand.