Sensor To Cloud IoT Series
Page 22 of 37
King Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd
Ver 1.1
8.7. Timer Settings
This page is used to manage the timer tasks, the following actions are supported.
0: Reboot
Reboot the device.
1: Network Online
Enable the network and connect to the server.
2: Network Offline
Disconnect from the server
3: Timing SMS Report
Send SMS to users who have enabled the Timer
SMS in [Number Settings].
It is about the current status of the device.
4: DO ON(For DO only)
Only device of the DO output is valid.
DO output will always close.
5: Pulse Output(For DO only)
Only device of the DO output is valid.
DO pulse output, and pulse output parameters could
be set on the [I/O Settings – DO Settings] page.