Orbit 360 data logger is compatible with all of the most common SCADA’s for wind farms
using the Modbus protocol. The Orbit 360 data logger has a Windfarm / SCADA module
integrated into it which allows for both Modbus RTU (RS485) and Modbus TCP
communication. The data logger acts always as a slave. Both options can be used
At any time while these operations are performed, the data logger can be remotely
accessed through GSM/GPRS or satellite to download recorded data or SMS to get brief
met mast reports.
It allows to send real time data to the wind farm SCADA and, at the same time, to be able
to have all of the remote access options to the data logger. The logger is the entire time
ready for both local and remote communication.
The remote communication will not stop the local communication, although depending
on the CPU load and the total amount of traffic on both interfaces, the remote
connection could eventually delay some response on local connection for one second.
Both local and remote operations aren’t stopped by any other logger operation like
display access or manual memory download. The only operation that will stop Modbus
communication is a firmware update.
Modbus configuration
Atlas software lets the user set up which calculated variables you want to provide in the
Modbus telegrams but not the address used by those variables.
Following a screenshot of the Modbus settings tag, where you can choose which
variables you want to send through Modbus: