Fig. 4.
Understanding the data management system
How does Atlas convert the .log file? When a data logger is set up in Atlas, the slope and
offset are typed for the sensors that were going to be connected to that data logger.
Atlas uses those slopes and offsets to convert the .log file. It’s that simple.
Atlas also keeps a history of all the modifications in logger configurations. Why is that
important? Well, say for example an anemometer has been replaced on one of the met
masts two weeks ago. It is possible then to modify the configuration file in Atlas and
manually convert/decode the last two weeks’ raw data (the .log file) into new .wnd files.
Configuration changes becoming effective
Just when the logger receives the configuration from Atlas, it’s stored in RAM (temporal
volatile memory) and applied immediately.
However, the configuration will not be stored in the SD card (permanent, non-volatile
memory) until the next 10 minutes period. If the logger is switched off before that 10
minutes period, the configuration will be lost and will have to be uploaded again from
Logger reset
The Orbit 360 data logger has no reset button. To reset, just disconnect the battery
power (the system keeps configuration and data in the internal memory).