Selective Call is either enable or disabled by your dealer.
This function is similar to Code Squelch. The differences from
Code Squelch are as follows:
A message containing up to 5 digits maximum can be sent
or received.
Selective Call opens the squelch only when the transceiver
Receives predetermined DTMF codes in the correct sequence:
1) An ID code (3 digits), then
2) An Intermediate code(1 digit)
3) Message (status) code (5 digits maximum).
Your dealer also may activate Group Call for your transceiver.
This is Useful when you want to pass information to a number
of units in A fleet.
When the ID and Intermediate codes are received that were
programmed In the transceiver by your dealer, the squelch
opens, if a message code is Also received, the message
appears on the Display of the transceiver.
Receiving the correct codes causes a bar to appear on the
Display And the LED to flash orange.
When you are called with your ID code, C is displayed, for
When you select a channel that your dealer has programmed for
Code Squelch, you cannot use this channel with Selective Call.
1. Refers to the MANUAL DIAL or Transmitting the stored
DTMFcode To make a call with DTMF keypad.
2. Make sure to call the ID or Group code and intermediate
code that Was programmed in the transceiver. When the
transmission starts, A bar appears on the display, and the LED
lights red. 3. Continue to use the transceiver normally,
releasing [PTT] to receive and holding down [PTT] to transmit.
Transmitting causes the squelch of called transceiver open,
After a period of time programmed by your dealer passes
during which no signal is transmitting, the squelch closes.
Example: 12345 C .
When you are called with your Group code, GP is
displayed, For example 12345GP .
When no message is received, NO DATA is displayed.
Press any key to erase message.
Pressing [MONI] mutes the speaker after Selective Call has
opened the squelch.
If so programmed by your dealer, after Selective Call opens
the Squelch, the squelch automatically closes when a
programmed time period passes.
If your dealer has programmed Transpond, an
acknowledgment Signal returned from your transceiver to the
station that called. However, Transpond does not function
when you are called with A Group code.
If your dealer has programmed Tone Alert, both Tone and
Selective Call can function together.