1.Press [MONI], and then listen for a few seconds to make
certain that ,the channel is not being used.
2.Hold the transceiver about 3~4cm from your lips, press the
PTT Switch, and speak in your normal speaking voice.
The LED lights red while you are transmitting.
3.Release the PTT switch to return to the receive mode.
LED indicator turns green when the channel currently used is
called, You can hear the calling.
You may not hear the calling if the calling signal is too weak
or the Squelch level is too high.
QT/DQT maybe programmed by your dealer in your
transceiver, when, You select one of these channels; you can
only hear the calling with ,The same QT/DQT code other than
other channel.
Some calling can use DTMF code. For further detailed
information,Please refer to the CODE SQUELCH and
Turning the CHANNEL Selector clockwise to increase the
squelch level, and turning the selector counterclockwise to
decrease the level.
3.Press any key to complete the selection.
The original display is restored
Scan is a useful feature for monitoring activity on the channels
programmed in the transceiver. When scanning, the
transceiver checks each channel for activity, and only stops on
a channel if a signal is present.
The transceiver remains on a busy channel until the channel is
no longer Busy, unless transceiver check the new signal during
the delay time.
Using Scan Press [SCN]
Scanning starts from the currently displayed channel, Then
ascends in numerical sequence up through the Channel
SCAN replace the channel number, and this word remains
visible on the display. To quit scanning, press any key other
than [MONI].
Scan can only be used if your dealer has programmed at least 2
Channels on the transceiver, Also, at least 2 channels must not
Have been locked out.
Your dealer can best explain how Channel Scan functions when
Using Code Squelch, Selective Call.
If so programmed by your dealer, Channel Lockout allows you
to select Channels to skip while scanning.
1.Using the CHANNEL selector to select channels to be
2.Hold down [FUNC], and then press [SCAN].