Gateway TLG8411V1 User Manual V1.0.0
July 2020
MQTT Setting
TLG8411V1 provides MQTT setting (Figure 3-9) to link the machine-to-machine communica-
tion in Internet of Things. MQTT broker is respond for transferring publishing message and
handle subscribing topics to all clients; it acts as a central transportation to move messages
to subscribers in designated topics.
MQTT Publisher
is a charge of receiving LoRa packets
and publish message to MQTT broker.
MQTT Subscriber
subscribes transmit packet from
broker and emit the packet. The topic string for
MQTT Publisher
MQTT Subscriber
be set at
Receive Packet Publish Topic
Transmit Packet Subscribe Topic
You can stop or restart MQTT broker or MQTT publisher/subscriber through control buttons
in MQTT management. The
in each panel shows the MQTT service situation in the
TLG8411V1 gateway.
Figure 3-9 MQTT Management