– Envireau Mono-Tech Rainwater – Installation & Operation Guidelines
Page 7
General and for all three types of installed system:
1. The Holding tank requires the installation of a duct, of minimum diameter 40mm to carry the pump cable and
the Depth Sensor cable. The duct should run from the Holding Tank to the Control Panel and should be
suitable for drawing the cables freely.
2. The Holding tank requires an MDPE (Medium Density Poly-Ethylene) pump feed pipe from the tank back to
the Control Panel of MINIMUM 25mm diameter (see the tank connector). To comply with current regulations
this pipe should be Black with green stripes (see section on Water Regulations).
3. The Holding tank requires an Inlet feed from the rainwater Collection pipework (usually via the Rainwater
Filter or pre-tank collection manhole) and an Outlet to a suitable waste water discharge point (Surface Water
Drain, Ditch, Stream or Soakaway). This pipework should preferably be Solvent Jointed rather than ring-seal
4. The Display Unit requires a four core alarm type cable back to the Control Panel. The Display Unit should be
mounted in a highly visible location and not in an area which is rarely used.
5. The location of the Control Panel should be in a well lit place, with good access and mounted at a convenient
height above ground level (at 1.5 to 2 metres). If the Control Panel is mounted any higher than 2.0m above
standard ground level (on a higher floor / in an attic etc.), please contact technical sales to discuss the
implications. The height difference between the bottom of the external holding tank and the Control Panel, or
the difference in height between the Control Panel and the appliances, may effect the set up procedure.
6. The system you are installing is pressurised, therefore external factors can effect the system’s operation. As
in any pressurised plumbing system, a correctly sized Pressure Vessel (Expansion Vessel) should be
installed. The vessel (supplied by others) should be installed between the Control Panel and the appliances.
We would be happy to assist with size selection, but as a guide, the vessel should be equal in capacity to at
least 50% of the appliance storage capacity. (e.g. 5 toilet cisterns x 6 litres = 30 litres, therefore select a 15
litre Pressure Vessel)
7. Once you have fully understood these general points, you should be confident in the type of system you
intend installing and in the layout and location of the parts. You should now be able to begin installation. Be
aware of the following advisory points.
a) The pump should be positioned on the Bottom of the Holding Tank. Not Suspended. Versions with floating
filters require hose to be screwed into the pump inlet.
When raising or lowering the pump you should first of all RAISE the sensor to avoid damage. Replace the
SENSOR when any work on the pump is completed and the pump is reinstalled.
b) The Depth Sensor should lie on the bottom of the holding tank. Not suspended.
c) The display unit should be mounted in a visible location and must be fitted. It is NOT optional.
d) The control panel must be fitted the correct way up, i.e. with the Inlet (bottom) and Outlet (top) pipe
connections to the left of the Control Panel Electrical Box
e) The external Rain Water Filter (smaller tanks may be pre-fitted with an internal Rain Water Filter) should only
be installed when all levels and pipe falls have been decided. The Filters have different falls across,
depending on which model is used and generally have two outlets. One outlet of clean Rainwater to the
Holding Tank and one outlet to waste.
f) All serviced appliances and external taps must be connected on the plumbing line after the control panel.
Please now go to the specific INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for your type of system.
NO-MAINS SYSTEM INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................8
GRAVITY (HEADER TANK) SYSTEM INSTALLATION ........................................................................15
DIRECT (PRESSURISED) SYSTEM INSTALLATION ..........................................................................22