Your Mandoline Food Slicer comes with a food safety holder, a blade guard
specially designed for your mandoline and a pair of cut-resistant gloves.
Always use the included food safety holder and/or cut resistant gloves when
actively slicing food. For cleaning and storage, make sure the blade guard is in
place to protect your hands.
Tips for getting a clean cut every time!
1. Cut your vegetable in half.
2. Attach the food safety holder
to the rounded end of your
vegetable, using the food safety
holder plunger to press the food
into the holder.
3. Place the cut end on the cutting
runway. This will ensure your
food sits securely on the cutting
surface and will ensure neat,
clean cuts every time.
Once your vegetable is attached to your food safety holder, quickly and firmly
slide your food down the runway and across the blade, following the arrows
embossed on the food safety holder.
5. Each time you make a cut, make sure to use even pressure to keep the cuts as
uniform as possible.
As you go, press firmly on the food safety holder plunger. This will push the
vegetable down to keep it in contact with the cutting runway and blade.