dust separator
1. Introductory Remarks
The purpose of the present Use and Maintenance Manual is to supply User with directions wi-
thin the range of application, installation, start-up and the use of the
EGO-4 dust se-
Installing, start up and operational use are exclusively admissible after getting acquaint-
ted with the contents of the Use and Maintenance Manual
With regard to continuity of work carried on improvement of our products, we reserve for oursel-
ves the revision possibility of the draft and technological changes improving their functional fea-
tures and safety.
Construction of the
dust separator meets the requirements of the current state
of technology as well as the safety and health assurances included in:
Machinery Directive
of the European Parliament
and of the Council of
May 17
2006 on machinery
– amending the 95/16/EC (recast)
Journal of Laws EC L157 of 09.06.2006, page 24
2014/35/EC Directive
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February, 2014
on the harmonisation of the
laws of
the Member States relating to the making available
on the
market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits.
Journal of Laws
EC L96 of 29.03.2014
The appliance meets the requirements included in:
2009/125/EC (ErP)
of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 21
2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related
products /
Journal of Laws L 285 of 31.10.2009
March 30
, 2011 on implementing
2009/125/EC Directive
of the European Parliament
and of the Council with regard
to ecodesign requirements
for fans
driven by motors with an electric input power between 125W and 500 kW
Journal of Laws L No. 90 of 06.04.2011
Additionally, the appliance meets following harmonized standard:
EN ISO-12100:2012
“Safety of
Basic concepts, general
for design. Risk assessment and risk reduction”
EN 60204-1:2018-12
“Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines
Part 1:
General requirements”
EN ISO 13857:2010
“Safety of machinery – Safe distances to prevent hazard
zones being reached by upper and lower limbs”
EN 60529:2003/A2:2014-07
“Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
(IP Code)
2. Application
dust separators are appropriate for wood dust removal direct from wood processing ma-
chines, pollution capture while grinding the
non-sparking materials
, cast iron processing, po-
wder painting, packing-/repacking the powdery materials etc.
EGO dust separators cannot work in rooms and neither in areas of explosion risk and should
not be used for removal the compounds that are creating explosive mixtures with the air. The
appliance is inappropriate for filtering the humid dusts that could adhere to the filter surface (fil-
ter clogging) and for extraction of production waste causing fire hazard.
3. Reservations of Producer
Manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences following from the operational use
that is in contradiction to the purpose of application.
Installing of any additional elements that are not belonging to the normal device structure
(or accessory set) is not acceptable.
Do not undertake any structural changes or constructional modifications on the device on
one’s own.
Protect the waste bag, the bag filter (cartridge filter) and the flexible elements from mecha-
nical damage.
Maintenance and any repair should be performed by an authorised person.