Doc. N°
Microener. - Copyright 2010
1. Generality
The device of control temperatures TEMON 4 is used in the control of electric machine, transformer, motor, etc.
where it’s possible to control the temperature level signalling the critical temperature condition or to disable the
machine under control. For example for the control the temperature of supplying transformer, where it’s possible to
control the temperatures of three coils of phase and the nucleus, using the tripped output (TRIP) to cut off the load
and eventually the functions of ventilation control.
Another important function is the presence of one port of serial communication RS485, that allows the connection
to system of acquisition (PC, PLC, scada, etc.) of the measure data, control and programming of the device.
RTU is the protocol used, it’s documented in a specific manual.
A software for Windows environment is available for a management of the devices with complete function of
control, storing data, recording alarm, etc.
It’s available a analogue output settable 0-20 or 4-20 mA with end-scale 200°C to join to one of channel or to the
higher of the 4 temperature channels.
2. Introduction
The device type TEMON 4 allows the control and the visualization of temperature read with probe type RTD
For each channel of measure are available two levels of alarm (alarm-tripped) that active the commutation of the
relative output relay for signalling at distance or to disable the machine under control. On front of the instrument on
a double display at 3 digit, it’s possible the visualization of the temperatures, the visualization of the status of the
alarm of the measure channels and 5 button for the programming. The instrument is completed by the functions of
ventilation control, storing maximum values and storing of the tripped.
3. Accessories and Options
: transparent cover of frontal protection
serial output RS485
analogical output 0-20mA (4-20mA)
4. Installation
Read carefully the present manual before to install and use the device.
The device described in this manual must be installed and used by personal opportunely learned.
Before to proceed at the installation it’s necessary verify if the device is intact and it haven’t damages caused by
transport. The power supply must be compatible with the tool range. The instrument installation must be done in
total absence of voltage and observing the security norm in force. All operation of maintenance and reparation
executed by not authorized person are forbidden. If during of functioning the device loose the security, it’s
necessary to put it out of service and to be sure that this device will not use unintentionally.
The use can be considered insecure when the instrument: -
don’t function regularly / - have damage clearly
visible / - have damage caused of transport / - is stored in bad condition