Express warranty
KOBA Vision bvba offers a two- year warranty on every KOBA Vision reading device, starting
from the purchase date. The warranty covers materials and workmanship.
Warranty services are provided by KOBA Vision bvba or a dealer acting for KOBA Vision bvba.
When the reading devi ce cannot b e repaired correctly, KOBA Vision can decide on its own
inititiative t o replace t he readin g device by an other readin g dev ice f eaturing the same
specifications. All compon ents and prod ucts r eplaced within the warranty period becom e
property of KOBA Vision bvba.
Warranty provisions
1. The warranty becomes invalid when the Koba Vision reading device:
• Was not used according to instructions or was misused,
• Was damaged as a result of a fall or blow,
Was disassembled or tinkered with,
Was repaired earlier by a non-official service partner.
2. Consequential loss is under no circumstances covered by the warranty.
KOBA Vision bv ba will neither assume an y liability whatsoever nor accept any possibility of
liability ex cept f or the warranty prov isions ex pressedly st ated abov e. This limit ation t o th e
liability does n ot imply a breach of th e customer’s legal consumer rights or his or her rights
vis-à-vis the seller.
Service fulfillment
Before claiming the warranty or service and before contacting KOBA Vision bvba or a dealer,
you must write down product name, serial number, purchase date, invoice number and any
error messages or particular problem aspects.