9.2 Detailed Description
Checking Before Starting the wheel loader
Check if there is a phenomenon of oil leakage at the oil connecting ports.
Check if the detecting distance of position sensor is in the range of 5~8mm.
Check if there are some iron filings stick on the magnet blocks of position sensor.
Check if the rotation shafts of lift-arm and bucket are with good lubrication to reduce the
friction influence on weighing accuracy.
System Calibration [Zero Calibration&Compensation, Span Calibration&Compensation]
Start the wheel loader, then lift the lift-arm and bucket for 5~10 times to preheating the
hydraulic oil and oil pressure sensors to the temperature in normal working condition.
BUCKET-UP: Flip the bucket upward to the limit position.
ARM-DOWN: Put the lift-arm down so that the bucket goes down to the lowest position.
Turn the power switch of weighing indicator on.
Press key
to do Zero Calibration with unloading and idle speed for correcting Zero
Value, Run Length Ratio or IdleAcc.Value (Acceleration Value at Idle Speed).
After doing Zero Calibration, keep the bucket at the limit position, and put the lift-arm down
so that the bucket goes down to the lowest position.
Lift the lift-arm and bucket with the accelerator at the actual loading operation state and do
the best to keep the accelerator stable. If the display weight exceeds 30kg, then it’s need to do
System Calibration again.
It’s need to do System Calibration again on the following conditions:
After replaced the oil pressure sensors.
After the installation position, angle or detecting distance of the position sensor has been
The hydraulic system of wheel loader has been changed.
After replaced the bucket of wheel loader.
The weigher has not been used for a long time.
After re-done System Calibration, it’s need to do Loading Verification again.
After Loading Verification finished, Press key
to Clear Screen without saving Loading
Working Procedure of Loading
Set Setpoint Parameters.
If the bucket is not on the lowest position when the weighing indicator display the blue sign
‘▲’, please press key
to enter Pause state with red sign ‘
’ displaying, then let the
bucket go down to the lowest position.