Make sure to insert the counterweight bar on the float before inflate, please
inflate the float after.
Never try to hit of force the counterweight to place it on the float.
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2.- System Basics
3.- Mount Counterweight bar on inflatable float
The system will transmit over radio at 27 Mhz FM, a Data string encrypted with the
GPS/GLONASS positon obtained by the buoy GPS receiver and togheter with the voltage
level for the buoy batteries and the buoy ID number. The onboard receiver will obtain that
Data string and decode it to output a valid $RATLL or !AIVDM sentence on the NMEA Port at 4800
Baud and NMEA0183 standard, that sentence can be displayed on any compatible plotter or
computer navigation system.
Each Gps Radio Buoy comes with its own counterweigt bar made on stainless steel 316 with 3 Kg on
the bottom side to keep the buoy on a vertical position, this counterweigt bar should be placed trough
the hole on the middle of the inflatable float and it´s recommended to be tightened with a rope to avoid
the bar from moving out of the float.
Please insert the counterweigth before inflate the float.
The counterweight bar also contains the buoy ignition system, that part is covered
and protected with a black heat shrink tube(Picture 1), please do not brake this
plastic cover, once the bar is placed on the inflatable float that portion of the
counterweight bar will be hidded on the middle of the float and also protected.
The counterweitht should be placed on the inflatable float´s
middle hole until it fits like on the “Picture 2" and secure it to
the float with a rope to avoid the bar from moving in and out
of the inflatable float. Once the system is mounted on the
float it should look like on the “Picture 3"
Picture 2
Picture 1
Picture 3
To pick up the buoy you must never doing it by holding the antenna because
that can damage the system if at that time the buoy is transmitting and also
because you can damage the antenna unit.
1.- Package contains
The supplied parts for the basic PickPoint-27 system contains :
PKP-27 T-00 GPS/Glonass buoy with Li Batteries (Buoy antenna included)
PKP-27 R-00 receiver unit with NMEA output and power cable
Counterweight bar buoy holder stainless steel 316 (3Kg) for inflatable float*.(*Not Included)
PKP-27 C-00 Buoy batterie charger ( 2 buoys)
Inflatable float.
1.1.-Optional parts
(Not Included)
PickPoint-27 USER MANUAL