Adverse reactions
in the manual, in order to prevent any damage to health.
The Electrical stimulator may be used for the following conditions:
For TENS mode
1. Symptomatic relief of chronic intractable pain
2. Post traumatic pain
ost surgical pain
For SPORT mode
1. Muscle re-education
2. Maintaining or increasing range of motion
For MASSAGE mode
1. Increase of blood flow circulation
1.4 Contraindication
(warnings against usage under certain situations)
• This device should not be used for symptomatic local pain relief unless etiology is
established or unless a pain syndrome has been diagnosed.
• This device should not be used when cancerous lesions are present in the treatment area.
• Stimulation should not be applied over swollen, infected, inflamed areas or skin eruptions
(e.g. phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.).
• Electrode placements must be avoided that apply current to the carotid sinus region
(anterior neck) or transcerebrally (through the head).
• Do not use this device if the patient has a demand-type cardiac pacemaker or any
implanted defibrillator.
• This device should not be used over poorly enervated areas.
Use with extreme caution when patient has e
• Serious arterial circulatory problems in the lower limbs
• Abdominal or inguinal hernia
1.5 Warnings, Precaution, Adverse Reactions
• The long-term effects of chronic electrical stimulation are unknown. Electrical stimulation
do not have any curative value.
They are for merely therapeutic measures.
• This device should be used only under the continued supervision of a licensed medical
• Safety has not been established for the use of therapeutic electrical stimulation during
Discuss this with your doctor prior to commencing treatment.