Kohler Co.
Bond in accordance
with applicable codes
Plug the pump into this outlet
Install a GFCI-protected 120 V, 15
A grounded outlet. Install a second
GFCI-protected outlet for “H”
models for the in-line heater.
Make sure air actuator tubing is
securely attached to the pump
Plug the in-line heater
into this outlet.
4. Install the Plumbing
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5. Make Electrical Connections
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Pump Wiring
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In-line Heater Wiring
)& *.:,*.& )&"4&2 *3 &15*00&% 7*4) " $/2% ".% 0,5( ,, 7*2*.( /' 4)& )&"4&2 )"3 #&&. $/-0,&4&% "4 4)& '"$4/28
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