8.7.2 Wiring example with T connectors
Without DC Bus fuses, other devices can become damaged or destroyed if, for example, a
device fails due to an internal short circuit. If multiple drives are connected in parallel, then it
is usual to insert DC Bus fuses (Fgroup) between groups of drives (with a group consisting of
two or three devices, depending on the current) in order to limit any possible resulting dam-
age. Fgroup fuses cannot avoid damage by current peaks completely.
8.7.3 Wiring example with busbar
If a device fails in this system due to a short-circuit, only its fuses (Fbus) are tripped and the
rest of the network continues uninterrupted. The solid busbars can conduct significantly lar-
ger currents than T connectors, because the compensating current does not flow through the
connector as above.
AKD2G-S Installation Manual, Safety 1 | 8 Electrical Installation
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