4. Soft Keys
The Engine Monitor’s soft keys simplify the operator interface. In use, the Engine Monitor displays
a ‘button bar’ directly above the soft keys when any of the first 4 keys (keys 1 to 4, starting from
the left) are pressed - with icons representing the current function of each key. Figure 2. shows
the top level button bar, with icons 1 to 4 representing the gauges and alarms available, and icon
5 an ‘exit door’. Repeat presses of these buttons toggles around the display options available.
The button bar will disappear after approximately 5 seconds if no further keys are pressed.
Figure 2. The Engine Monitor’s top level
button bar menu:
Key 1: Pages icon indicating that further
presses cycle through options for the
screen being viewed (in this instance fuel
computer modes for the main engine
Key 2: Quad Display mode
Key 3: Uni Display mode
Key 4: Alarm Display mode
Key 5: Exit door
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