“Go-To” Maksutov-Cassegrain
D I G I M A X - 9 0
The Skyscan AZ is a precision-engineered instrument that will allow you to easily find
and enjoy viewing night sky treasures, such as planets, nebulae, star clusters, galax-
ies and much more. The hand control allows you to point your telescope at a specific
object or even tour the skies at the touch of a button. The user-friendly menu system
allows automatic slewing to over 42,900 objects.
The Skyscan Az should be powered by 11-15V DC power supply (tip-positive) ca-
pable of producing continuous current of minimum 1 amps. Correctly plug the power
cord into the 12V DC outlet on the mount. For Multi-function telescopes, flip the
Power Switch to the “on” position to turn on the power.