GG-11008 Edition 1.2
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6-2. Starting and Exiting
6-2.1 Starting and exiting FT10
1) Set the power switch ON.
2) Hardware initialization starts. Message "Initializing the AP-7000... Wait for a minute with a
cup of coffee." appears on the screen.
3) When the hardware initialization has completed, the base menu screen (patient information
entry screen) opens.
1) Press the sub-power switch.
2) When message "Do you wish to exit the Kowa AP-7000?" is displayed, select OK.
3) In approximately 20 seconds, the screen displays nothing or it displays "It is now safe to turn
off your computer" on a black background
4) Check that the power lamp is lit in orange (STANDBY) and set the power switch OFF (turn to
* Note
To protect the system from destruction, never set the power switch OFF without
performing steps 1) to 3) above.
* Hardware initialization
The hardware is initialized in the steps given below. During this period, message "Initializing the
AP-7000... Wait for a minute with a cup of coffee." is displayed on the screen.
(1) Initialization of all motors and movement of origin (During this period, the mouse pointer on
the screen is shown as an hourglass.)
(2) Initialization of all LEDs
(3) Initialization of chin rest
(4) Initialization of all lamps
The light intensity of the lamps is adjusted by projecting to the related sensors.
Stimulus lamp: Sensor on the lower-left side of dome
Background LED: Sensor under the left background LED
If initialization has failed, messages listed below appear.