3.2. the PRinciPLe OF the PROdUct
fig 4 UPS Principle Diagram
1. input filter: complete filtering the input ac utility power to provide the clean power for UPS.
2. ac/Dc converter: convert the filtered ac mains to Dc and boost the Dc for Dc/ac inverter.
3. Dc/Dc booster: when the UPS works in battery mode, the circuit boosts the Dc for Dc/ac inverter.
4. Dc/ac inverter: convert the boosted Dc to stable ac output.
5. Bypass: when overload or failure of inverting happen in the UPS, it transfers to bypass mode to supply
power to loads.
6. charger: Standard unit provides 1a; long backup unit provides 7a/14a.
7. Battery: Sealed lead acid Battery.
8. output filter: complete filtering the output of the UPS to provide the clean power for loads.
4. inStALLAtiOn
4.1. UnPAcking And inSPectiOn
1. 1. Unpacking the UPS and check that whether it’s damaged during the transportation. If damaged or
some parts missing, don’t start the machine and inform the carrier and franchiser.
2. 2. check the annex (please consult appendix Table 1).
3. 3. check if the equipment is just what you wanted to purchase. You can affirm through inspecting the
model number on back panel of the equipment.
4.2. nOteS
1. Please place the UPS in a clean, stable environment, avoid the vibration, dust, too humidity, flammable
gas and liquid, corrosive.