Krell Showcase Processor
Operating the Showcase Processor,
Tape Input and Output,
3. Use the tape output to create a processor loop, when the
Showcase Processor is connected to a graphic equalizer or other
ancillary equipment. Connect the equipment to the Showcase
Processor tape outputs (34) as described in the equipment man-
ufacturer’s manual. Press the tape button (15) or key (64) to
switch between the processor output (LED illuminated) and the
input source (LED not illuminated).
The tape output functions only with analog sources.
There is no tape output from the 7.1 multichannel input.
When changing sources, lower the volume to off or mute the output. This
ensures that the next source played does not damage your system with a
high output transient.
When you are listening to or viewing different devices that have dif-
ferent trigger settings (configured through the setup menus), you can
retain a trigger setting using the previous (74) key.
For example, you have configured your Showcase Processor to turn
on your TV monitor when trigger 4 is on and your CD player is set for
. You want to watch TV and listen to a CD at the same
time. If you press the TV button or key followed by the CD button or
key, the TV monitor will turn off.
To keep the monitor on and turn on the CD player, follow these
1. Press the TV button (10) or key (58) to select the device. Begin
playing the device.
2. Press the prev key (74).
3. Press the CD button (11) or key (59). Begin playing the device.