Pos : 9. 1 / BA/Ei nleit ung/Ei nleit ung @ 0\ mod_1195562498677_78. doc @ 416
These operating instructions contain fundamental instructions. These must be observed in
operation and maintenance. For this reason, these operating instructions must be read by
operating personnel before commissioning and use, and must be available for easy reference.
Follow both the general safety instructions contained in the section on safety and the specific
safety instructions contained in the other sections.
Pos : 9. 2 / BA/Ei nleit ung/Eas yC ut/ Einl eit ung Z us atz EC 7540/ 9140 @ 11\mod_1223624138988_78.doc @ 148393
These operating instructions describe the rear combination only. Separate operating
instructions are available for the front mowing unit and must also be taken into consideration.
Pos : 9. 3 /Ü bers chrift en/Ü bersc hrift en 2/U-Z/ Ver wendungsz wec k @ 1\ mod_1201707246738_78. doc @ 54055
Purpose of Use
Pos : 9. 4 / BA/Ei nleit ung/Eas yC ut/ Verwendungsz wec k Mäher @ 3\ mod_1204547495418_78.doc @ 70590
The EasyCut disc mower is used for cutting crops growing on the ground (except maize).
Pos : 9. 5 / BA/Ei nleit ung/G ültigkeit /Eas yC ut /Eas yC ut 7540/ 9140/ 10000 @ 53\ mod_1290076123328_78. doc @ 508702
These operating instructions apply to disc mowers of the series:
EasyCut 7540, EasyCut 9140 Shift, EasyCut 9140 CV, EasyCut 9140 CV Collect,
EasyCut 10000 Shift
Pos : 9. 6 /Ü bers chrift en/Ü bersc hrift en 3/A- E/ Ans prechpartner @ 0\ mod_1195569394286_78. doc @ 839
Pos : 9. 7 / Adr ess en/Adres se Mas chi nenf abri k KR ONE Spell e @ 0\ mod_1195568531083_78. doc @ 734
Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH
Heinrich-Krone-Strasse 10
D-48480 Spelle (Germany)
Telephone: + 49 (0) 59 77/935-0 (Head Office)
Fax.: + 49 (0) 59 77/935-339 (Head Office)
Fax.: + 49 (0) 59 77/935-239 (Spare parts - domestic)
Fax.: + 49 (0) 59 77/935-359 (Spare parts - export)
Pos : 9. 8 / BA/-----Seitenumbr uc h------ @ 0\ mod_1196175311226_0.doc @ 4165