HEAT has a memory function that can be used if you want to operate
HEAT with a remote control such as a SMS unit.
Such a unit must be the kind that can switch a relay turning on or off
the 230V power
The power connection from HEAT is connected to this unit.
You activate the memory function on HEAT like this:
The memory is activated in this way:
If you want HEAT to remember to start up in heat level 2, 1000W,
fan sped 2, when powered up, you push the Heat button once, now
you have selected heat level 1, 500W. Now push the Heat button
again, but hold the Heat button depressed for 5 seconds. HEAT
shows that memory now has been activated by flashing the LED in
top of the control panel. When you release the Heat button, HEAT
will behave as normal. If you cut the mains supply HEAT will shut
down. Now when you apply mains supply, HEAT will start up in the
mem-orized position which in this case will be Heat level 2, fan speed
If you want to erase the memory you do the same procedure, but in
this case you push the heat button until Heat level 3 is selected. Now
HEAT is running in Heat level 3 with fan speed 3. Push the Heat
button again, but hold the Heat button depressed for 5
seconds. HEAT shows that memory now has been activated by
flashing the LED in top of the control panel. Now HEAT has
memorized that the start-up position shall be Heat level 0 and Fan
speed 0.