KMPS-1-64 Manual
KM 8000 Rev. A
Page 20 of 40
Copyright © 2018 Kulite Semiconductor Products, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
IEna HEader
Sets or returns the IENA keyword used in IENA streaming format.
IEna HEader
Sets or returns the IENA Status word used in IENA streaming format.
IEna FOoter
Sets or returns the KMPS status words. Can be OFf, ON A, ON B, TOggle
A B. See APPENDIX B for more details. ON A is default setting.
IEna FOoter ENd
Sets or returns the IENA end marker used in IENA streaming format.
Table 8 : IENA Commands
Header Information
Data is acquired eight sensors at a time and is streamed out as it is acquired. Before each
set of eight channels is output a header is sent out with user selectable data. The user can
use the HEader command plus the sub commands below to change the included information
(e.g. HEader STatus ON). The order of the data is Synchronization, Status, Address, Time.
SYnchronization ON/OFf
This allows for the user to synchronize to the streaming data if your place is lost or some of
the data is corrupted in transmission. In text mode before the first set of channels is
transmitted the string AxxPK01 is transmitted where xx is the address and before the fourth
set AxxPK02 is transmitted. So for every 64 channels of data there is one AxxPK01 and one
AxxPK02. In binary mode before the first set of data (0xFFh)(0xFFh)(0xFFh)(0xFFh)(0xFFh)
is transmitted. This only happens once per 64 channels.
STatus ON/OFf
There are two status words (two bytes each) that show various status parameters for the
KMPS. This can only be used in the binary modes. See
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for more details. The status is output once for every 64 channels. Header status
can be: off, on A, on B, on A B, Toggle A B (where in one packet contains status A and the
next contains B).
ADdress ON/OFf
Puts the two character address of the scanner before each set of 8 channels. In test mode
this is followed by a carriage return
Time PTp/IEna/OFf
Every set of 8 channels is acquired at the same time and has a unique time stamp. This time
starts when the KMPS is turned on unless it is on a PTP network in which case it is set to the
correct PTP time (see section 3.2.2). Time is sent before every group of eight channels. In
text mode the IENA time (microsecond since January 1
) is sent as a text integer on its own
line. The PTP time is sent as two integers (seconds and nanosecond since 1970) with a
comma separating them on a single line.
In binary mode the IENA time is sent as a 6 byte integer and the PTP time is sent as two four
byte integers.
Summary of Contents for KMPS-1-64 Series
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