Regulator gain (read/write)
Opening gain:
(see §VII - 5 - 1 - 3)
Closing gain:
(see §VII - 5 - 1 - 3)
Regulator dead band (read/write)
Opening dead band
as a % (see §VII - 5 - 1 - 2)
Closing dead band
as a % (see §VII - 5 - 1 - 2)
VIII - 3 - 4 - 2 ”O/C fct point” directory
Used to define the relation between the input current and the position setpoint.
(For further details, see VII - 5 - 2)
Current No. 1:
Current value associated with position 1 (read/write)
Position No. 1:
Current value associated with current 1 (read/write)
Current No. 2:
Current value associated with position 2 (read/write)
Position No. 2:
Current value associated with current 2 (read/write)
VIII - 3 - 4 - 3 ”Closing direction” directory
Closing direction:
Defines the valve closing direction. (read/write) (see §VII - 5 - 3 )
VIII - 3 - 4 - 4 ”Safety position” directory
Safety position:
Defines the valve safety position on loss of electrical supply (read/write)
: Must comply with the plate type (A or B) and distributor used
(see §IV - 3)
VIII - 3 - 4 - 5 ”Ana. In/Out calib.” directory In/out calib.”
Ana. Input calib. (read/write)
Start ana. In calib.:
function used to calibrate the 4- 20 mA analogue input
Ana. ouput calib. (read/write)
Real out 4mA. :
Real value of the 4- 20 mA output when variable ”Ana. Output
Control” is set to ”Send 4 mA output” (read/write).
Real out 20mA.:
Real value of the 4- 20 mA output when variable ”Ana. Output
Control” is set to ”Send 20mA output” (read/write).
Ana. Output Control.:
Variable used to control the 4- 20 mA analogue output
manually (read/write):
- End -- stanby : analogue output in automatic mode (image of valve
- Send 4mA output: analogue output forced manually to low level
(close to 4 mA)
- Send 20 mA output: analogue output forced manually to high level
(close to 20 mA)
Start ana. out calib.:
Function used to calibrate the 4- 20 mA analogue output