It is recommended not to place your solar mat over vehicles paint-work.
Humidity can cause the mat to stick to paint-work.
Solar mats are unlike tempered glass folding kits. They have a thick canvas material
stitched in behind the solar cells. Your kt solar blanket should be folded up and stored
in a dry place at night whilst camping.
Try to avoid placing on wet grass during early morning sunlight and select a dry
surface for the mat to be placed, unless suspending or for windscreen application.
Important Warning
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the Solar Mat be mounted on a flat roof or wall?
Yes, it is fine to mount the solar mat on a horizontal surface such as a vehicle roof or on a vertical
surface such as a wall, as long as the panel receives full sun for a reasonable period of the day.
You will gain optimal performance if the panel is tilted toward the sun and faced in a northerly
direction. Placing the panel in this position enables the maximum amount of solar energy to
reach the panel.
What current output can I expect?
The current output (A) of the solar mat is based mostly on the available solar energy (sun rays).
The current ratings (peak power) given in the specifications table are based on the
‘Ideal’ sunlight conditions. In reality this may achieved only on a very bright sunny day. The
normal current output will therefore be a little lower. If the panel is shaded or if it is a very hot day
the output will decrease further.
Will it charge my flat battery and how long will it take?
Yes, the KT solar mat will charge a flat battery (above 9v) 250-1800cca (automotive) with a charge
depending on battery size.